Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
actually quite short.
haha. went to bugis. sharing pics later... and i wan lodge a complain!!! haha.
get back my result...
failed 2 :
miracally i passed my math! it is really miracle.
30/50! argh! was also shock by myself. thought i would have failed.
actually if not of my careless mistake i should be able to get around 34/50. sian... haha.
EOY wait for me...!!!
ok here are my ok ok and lousy grades:
english :15/30 (heng! just nice)
chinese: 55/70(could have done better)
math : 30/50
science(phy): 8/30
science(bio) : 22/30(another miracle)
combine history : 16/25
don think i left out any other subjects. would work hard. i will chiong for EOY below 19! wahaha.
but with this kind of grade. think 22 also cannot.
our lame lame class doing something to the newspaper again when one of the teacher is no here.
i laugh till i cannot tahan.
in order of pics left to right:
roy , fadhil , yew chin
looking at the pic you will just laugh ... maybe is really too opposite of them. haha.
okok! here to tempt you all with nice nice food. cai ling don be tempt. lets go eat together!
the thing there is all so high tech!!!! and so jap jap. even the waitress there. even when you order is using machine and change the money using machine. so damn high tech. or is i sua gu?? haha.
even chopstick wrapper also make till so nice!
hui hui noob face (my revenge! =])
here starts my complain!!!
it was raining on sat so i don wan to go out actually. but i went. and i brought a jacket along cause i know it would be cold in bus or the shopping mall... i brought saw hui hui they all. that hui hui and yi jing take my jacket for shelter of rain!! just wash wan somemore. after that hui hui happily wear it whole way till we get on bus 190. then i get to use the jacket to cover my leg. cause on the bus was abit cold. then reach FAR EAST the jacket was again in hui hui hand. then to yi jing then to crystal. back to hui hui. then yi jing . back to hui hui. the whole trip! i did not get to wear!!!!! argh!!! i wan complain. i brought the jacket for myself then become theirs! not fair. haha. just joking. not so sell-fish.
hui hui told you i will have my revenge...
hui hui here her photo skill still ok... behind~ deprove. haha..~
hui hui seriously has got no phototaking skill. take till the photo like my
f_ n _ r _ L photo like that~ choy~ touchwood..
my skill was much much better..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I ♥ Yi Jian Lian.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
i get to do the flag formation. but i do not know if the tv did show?
did it show? heard the DJ said there were more than thousands of people forming the flag!
it was when the helicopter flies pass then we form the flag using the flopper?
it is different from the goodie bag the people who went to marina to watch.
we have the flopper and a round torch which form a night flag using the torch.
the goodie bag . the front.
wooohooo~ many people wear red right??!!!
i was opposite of them... purposely wore white. wan be special. haha
my shirt colour considered all right already... hahaha.
the weather was quite ok at the start ... but at the end it starts to drizzle.
but we still continued the formation! arh! singapore spirit!
no matter rain or shine we still form. thats what the DJ said.
and the DJ said something lame too.
you all look cute in that pink / red ponjour!!! (wth....)
arh the parachute people flying down even though it was drizzle and the wind was quite strong at that time. applause for them!!! haha. so brave. give me $5 million. i also don think i will jump man. haha.
the knight fighter!!!!!!!!!!!! argh!!!!! so cool!
i prefer kinght fighters to bar tenders now!!! haha. ~
the heart formation
my phone cam not that good so don expect good thing.
the first firework in the evening.
everyone was like so damn high. standing up waving and taking photos.
is all the above enough evidence that i really attended the formation of flag thing? believe it or not it is really all up to your choice...
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!!! i really really enjoyed it alot!
but the back part is quite irritating when you go home!!! people just cannot wait keep pushing and pushing rushing to go home~ everybody also wan go home what ~ cant they see there is a drain what if you keep pushing causing someone to fall? i really cannot understand cant they just wait ? and the soldiers there already said stop pushing still keep pushing rushing to pass through the tunnel. then an unhappy incident happen . then went to have dinner at clementi. went home on bus. someone board the bus ~ and the whole bus is filled with shit smell~ and the person is just behind me. you cannot imagine that. the smell makes you wan vomit out . somemore i just had my dinner~~~
haha. i tired le~~~ go sleep le~ goodnight~ going to study for my common tests!!!
good luck to everyone for the common test! =]