the seats seems to be long strench. haha.

sandra and mine pasta

i of course is the supporter of creamy chicken!
lucky never eat . cause it is beef and i
don eat beef. haha.
the pic. or she know?
there slowly cutting the beef balls??!!!
her drink. pose purposely for me to take.
i rather drink sweet talk then drink the
ice-lemon tea. haha. cause the ice-lemon-
tea not as sweet as bottled wan. haha.
chinese new year.
nothing much on chinese new year. quite boring and tiring. haha . wear the heels until got blister . but not pain so that is ok. my mum say wan ai mei don complain. chinese new year 4th day(sunday) went out with kai wen. was at my uncle house. playing card games then lose money. luckily first and second day i win money jiu pao ren. haha. or lose abit then don play le. heng that after going BHG with kai wen came back got win back what i lost. haha. but not in blackjeck. i don quite like blackjeck. cause always lose money in it. so i lose money then no mood play. sit there also very sian. nothing do. so smsed her ask her if she wanted go lot 1. so we went. went to BHG again. so you should had expected what we do again. haha. office girl again! haha. so nice just take the clothes and try. and was like very paisei. cause like children face take adult clothes. and the salegirl like at there . very pai sei. haha. after that went to arcade to take neos since the neos shop is closed? closed down?
fun. but so sad. the flower on my shoe
drop off on one of the shoe. so have to
pluck out the other wan since it was paste
opps . she will kill me.
last pic post at the BHG. ending BHG
trip with this post. when will be the next
wan? with sandra. chun lian. cai ling.
that ming hui sure don wan wan lah. see
my first ever new year neo gave to kai wen
you must feel honoured horr... haha.
arh!! sian. mon- wed having the common test. what the~ stress. fail my bio test. the worse mark i ever get in my whole life. even more worse than maths. i cannot believe it. 2/20. wao lao wei~ so damn lousy marks lah. that shows that i have no talent in diffusion and osmosis thing. haha. don care. during the science common test i will go memerise the defination of the diffusion and osmosis and the active transport since i have been punished to write 10 times for each defination i have wrong. and i got all 3 wrong. i have all my MCQ question wrong also. going to study my social studies.... sri lanka. i don know what LTTE stands for until my sis tells me. this only show that i never pay attention in class. now choing-ing to read textbook to find out what really happen before i go for the test. and there is history also. and eng to memerise the letter writing format since the test is about letter writing. so many things to do. think my blog going extinct. very busy with my schedule and lazy to blog also. haha. that shows how boring is school life. everything also cannot. this cannot that cannot. today sleep almost whole day. like pig , hibernating. but thats nothing to be proud of. what sandra said. haha. but i cannot believe i sleep the whole day. after coming back from tuition at 1. i do social studies half-way then went to lie on bed. then fall asleep. after my mum came back i wake up . eat the ang ku kueh the pic is pig very cute. haha.then after i eat. watch tv while continuing my social studies work. i fall asleep again. then wake up. walk to my room. then lie on bed. sleep AGAIN! OMG i am such a pig. i sleep till nearly 7.30 pm then wake up again. haha. now after posting 12.30 then go sleep again. cause tomorrow have tuition at 10am. haha. today sleep too much. i did not have a good sleep ever since the school reopens... when will i have this day that i can sleep until i wake up by myself and not my alarm clock??? update until so long. which means i will not update for very long again... haha. due to my busy schedule. no choice and have to study for the common test. jiayous and good luck to everyone who is taking common test including myself. haha. :)
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