Friday, June 6, 2008

wohoo~ yesterday was a nice sleep for me. if you know how long i sleep from yesterday till today you will shocked man! haha.yesterday sleeping thats the reason why i never online. haha.
yesterday... 8+ jiu sleep le. read magazine read until i sleep. 8.30 like that my mum woke me up cause the M.P coming have sort of home visit then go my room sleep.
sleep all the way till 1++ recieve call from bing hong. haha. someone is just extra trying to interfer the thing, when it is none of his or her business. continue to sleep. haha. after hanging the phone. after that sleep nicely whole way till the next day afternoon 1pm + haha. today is sure my pig day.
haha. then after that. went to my baby cousin house. came back 4.30++ i went to sleep again sleep till 7.05 then wake up again. haha. seriously now still tired. maybe last few day keep late sleep. haha. shit! my tuition teacher coming to give me tuition on sat liao! i haven finish her hw!!!!! arh! shit ! shit ! shit! i haven do anything.. now laft so many question for me to do! i don have buhdda (don know how to spell) to hug le lah! but my sis promise to teach me tomorrow . haha.
this pic finally reach my here liao. so long my sis then let me put the photo from her digital cam to my com. haha. me and my baby cousin. anyway he is back from oversea!!!

him at the playground. haha. doing excercise??!!!
yi jing killing me for the below post to pics le.. or she won?? haha./

no need type words lah. see le will know what i trying to show. anyway the second circle of this photo that belongs to yi jing. she take the photo for us to wash hand and drink. got 2 bottle. but after that she don wan take home and just leave it there! bad citizen! haha. kidding.
kai wen going esperanza concert le !!!!!!!!! woohooo~~~~~ ming hui left you only liao lorr. what you waiting for??!!!!! i have 3 more tickets!!!!! arh!!! someone help me please!!! haha.
die liao lah.. tomorrow have to chiong for my tuition hw till siao. stepping stone wan also haven do! don wan go tuition liao lah. i rather stay at home complete my math tuition hw. tomorrow if never chiong finish will not online as a punishment to myself for not doing my hw. so people don miss me man. i going to sleep le. wahaha. very tired. my body so weak. haha. see maths question makes me even wan sleep more sia!!!! arh!!!!! cannot tahan le lah. haha.
i finally clear my destop thing look so clear lorr. haha. deleted all the unwanted things le. wohoo! see maths thing make me mad!
haha. bye!~ readers!

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